Heute wurde mit AmigaOS ein kostenloses Update für registrierte Besitzer der im September veröffentlichten Betriebssystemversion veröffentlicht. Es dient vorrangig der Fehlerbereinigung, bietet aber auch folgende kleinere Neuerungen:
- Dänische und schwedische AmigaOS-Katalogdateien
- Setpatch kann nun sowohl ein audio.device- als auch ein Shell-Seg-Update selbst laden
- Kompatibilitätsverbesserung des audio.device hinsichtlich einiger nicht-standardgemäßer Programmierpraktiken
- Adäquatere Vorschläge der HDToolBox zu den Blockgrößen großer Laufwerke
- Toleranteres CrossDOS hinsichtlich falschkonfigurierter Mountlists und ausländischer Zeichensätze
Im Folgenden lesen Sie die englische Pressemitteilung von Hyperion Entertainment:
Update to AmigaOS 3.1.4 released
Brussels, July 8, 2019 – Hyperion Entertainment CVBA is pleased to announced the immediate availability of AmigaOS as a free update to AmigaOS 3.1.4 released in September 2018.
Since then, some bugs were found and functionality reviewed. We are therefore providing updates that address those issues in order to improve the user experience and also added more workarounds to improve compatibility with some oddly behaving programs.
This is mainly a bugfix update to AmigaOS 3.1.4, however a few small features managed to slip-in:
- Danish (dansk) and swedish (svenska) AmigaOS catalogs
- Setpatch now has the ability to load both an audio.device and a Shell-Seg update by itself
- Audio.device got improved compatibility with some non-standard programming practices
- HDToolBox now suggests more adequate block sizes for large drives
- CrossDOS is now more tolerant to wrongly configured mountlists and foreign character sets
Of course, we managed to address many more bug fixes. The change log is more than 260K large and covers components such as the CDFileSystem, the new intution support, audio device, disk support (Format, FastFileSystem and HDToolBox), the Shell, several AmigaDOS commands, DiskDoctor, and many more components.
AmigaOS is available as free download from the restricted download area to all registered customers of AmigaOS 3.1.4.
Hyperion Entertainment CVBA wants to send kudos to all involved persons for making this update happen. Thanks guys!